5 Profitable Prospects for Promo & Full-Color Printing

Almost every industry needs full-color printed products for an effective marketing strategy, just as they need promo products to delight and engage their audience. Become a one-stop shop for all of your clients’ promotional needs by coming to meetings prepared with curated, creative solutions for both traditional promo and printed products, all specific to their unique business.

Note: Some products shown are available only to U.S. customers.

Why Promo & Full-Color Printing?

Both traditional promo items (like apparel, bags and pens) and full-color printed products (like brochures, posters and business cards) serve a specific purpose. Traditional promo is great for generating a positive brand association and brand recognition, while full-color printing offers ample space to educate, inform and direct recipients to engage with your client’s business.

When paired together, these items amplify the impact of each other, allowing your clients to get the most out of their budgets and to interact with end-users in more meaningful ways. As for your distributorship, presenting both product lines results in dual revenue streams for you and allows you to become the go-to source for all of your clients’ marketing needs – aka your distributorship becomes indispensable for every client you work with.

Hamburger and Drink Icon

1. Food & Beverage

Businesses in the food industry need a wide range of full-color printed materials to let patrons know about specials, discounts and new products and dishes. Combining them with traditional promo items will increase the effectiveness of their marketing and make meaningful connections with the local community.

Businesses to Target

Cocktail icon

Bars & restaurants

Groceries icon

Grocery stores & food markets

Beer tap icon

Breweries & beer gardens

To-go coffee icon

Coffee shops, cafés & bakeries

Pizza delivery

Food delivery services

Bottles icon

Beer & liquor stores

Ordering food on phone icon

Meal planning subscriptions

food truck icon

Food trucks

Full-Color Printing & Promo Needs

Farm Food Magnets
Bakery Menu
Italian Restaurant business cards, post cards, menu
Bakery Postcard
Grill & Malt Shop Banner
Steakhouse menu
Steakhouse menu
  • Business and loyalty cards can be left out with mints in branded wrappers at hostess stands or checkout counters for guests to grab on their way out.
  • Postcards with a coupon code can be mailed with items such as branded magnets or can coolers to spread awareness in the local community.
  • Table tents and full-color coasters are perfect for announcing drink specials that can be served to guests in branded glassware.
  • Brochures make cost-effective menus for farm-to-table or seasonal restaurants that change their menu often. They can be placed in takeout or delivery orders with branded pens.
  • Banners and posters are excellent outdoor signage options for promoting new specials, theme nights or food and beverage festivals. Hand out branded bracelets and branded beverage holders to patrons when they arrive.
Hamburger and Drink Icon

2. Pet Services

Pet-friendly businesses can include services like grooming and boarding as well as nonprofit ventures like shelters and rescues. What they have in common, however, is a need to clearly communicate with pet owners and potential donors or adopters on policies, prices and care standards. Add traditional promo to delight pet parents upon service or spread awareness to help animal causes.

Businesses to Target

Animal shelter icon

Animal shelters & rescue groups

Vet icon

Veterinarians & animal hospitals

Dog food icon

Fresh pet food delivery services

dog playing icon

Doggie day camps & pet hotels

Pet toys icon

Pet supply stores

dog walking icon

Dog walkers

Cat cafe icon

Cat cafés

Pet grooming icon


Full-Color Printing & Promo Needs

Pet Grooming postcard
Pet Store postcard
Pet business card
Collapsable Dog Bowl
Dog Leash
  • Dress up groomed pets in branded bandanas and return them to owners with postcards featuring a discount for return visits.
  • Mail birthday and sympathy cards to pet owners with a branded framed photo of their furry friend to form emotional connections.
  • Hand out brochures advertising services with branded leashes and collars pet owners can show off around town.
  • Educational flyers are excellent for explaining hot weather pet care or introducing new and trendy products like collapsible water bowls.
  • Pass out stickers with branded stuffed animals to raise awareness at fundraisers or community events.
Makeup icon

3. Beauty & Wellness

Beauty and cosmetics is a huge industry that’s gaining even more steam with help from social media. Full-color printing is essential for explaining service pricing, procedure information, brand partnerships and product ingredients. As for PR packaging, printed materials and promo are the perfect combination to make impactful influencer gifts that will be shared on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Businesses to Target

Makeup icon

Beauty & cosmetics stores

Makeup box

Makeup subscription services

Spa towels icon

Spas & massage centers

Laser hair removal tool icon

Medical spas & laser treatment centers

Hair scissors and comb icon

Hair salons & barber shops

Wax icon

Waxing & spray tan centers

Influencer package icon

Influencer PR packages

Makeup artist icon

Makeup artists

Full-Color Printing & Promo Needs

Hair salon business card
Hair Salon postcard
Nail salon business car
Salon products
Spa postcard
Hair Salon business card
Hair Salon business card
  • Labels are needed for selling beauty products in stores and salons, including branded items like nail files and hairbrushes.
  • Mounted posters are perfect for displaying the menu of services, or they can be printed on branded magnets for patrons to take home.
  • Use business cards for gift certificates or appointment reminders and give them to guests with branded pens so they can jot down notes.
  • Include sales sheets in bundled PR packages with branded lotions and soaps to explain product ingredients and how to apply them.
  • Leave brochures showing previous work in waiting areas for guests to browse while they sip complimentary coffee from branded mugs.
Makeup icon

4. Nonprofits

When it comes to charities and fundraisers, education and encouraging donations is the number one concern. Full-color printed materials make short work of handing out informative takeaways to reach a large number of potential donors or volunteers quickly. Traditional promo items can be used to promote the cause and increase awareness beyond the fundraising events themselves.

Businesses to Target

Shoe Run Icon

Charity runs &

Banquet icon

Fundraising banquets & galas

Golf ball icon

Charity golf competitions

Museums icon

Museums & historical societies

Environmental icon

Environmental organizations

Animal activist icon

Animal rights & welfare groups

Shelter icon

Food pantries & homeless shelters

Auction icon

Charity auctions

Full-Color Printing & Promo Needs

Gala postcards
Charity Run Poster
Charity Run Poster
Charity Run Poster
Charity Run Poster
  • Hang posters and mail postcards promoting upcoming events and fundraisers with branded keychains fitting the theme.
  • Sell souvenir T-shirts and bumper stickers in gift shops so end-users can spread awareness for the cause everywhere they go.
  • Gift important donors branded tote bags filled with educational programs and custom full-color folders filled with nonprofit information.
  • Greeting cards can encourage previous donors to continue to give back, especially when paired with a branded gift like drinkware.
  • Name tags, lanyards and badge holders are all must-haves for street teams or volunteers manning booths.
Popcorn icon

5. Entertainment

Businesses and events in this sector deal with huge numbers of people, so effective communication strategies are a must for not only everyone’s enjoyment, but their safety as well. These companies also typically have robust marketing budgets, making them prime prospects for both full-color printing and traditional promo items.

Businesses to Target

concert ticket icon

Concert venues & music halls

Movie reel icon

Movie & live production theaters

Red carpet icon

Red carpets & premieres

Award icon

Award shows & ceremonies

Camera and light icon

Production & animation studios

Guitar icon

Photographers & musicians

Ferris Wheel Icon

Amusement & water parks

Cotton Candy icon

Local fairs & carnivals

Full-Color Printing & Promo Needs

Rock Concert Postcards
Door hangers for ballet
Orchestra booklet
Orchestra Tickets
  • Sell tour apparel at merch booths or include in VIP ticket gift bundles, while full-color doorknob hangers can be used in lodging for important attendees.
  • Bumper stickers make great giveaways for event sponsors to hand out to passersby along with branded sunglasses or beverage holders.
  • Place rack cards or calendars inside branded drinkware that are printed with the artists’ online merch store to encourage future purchases.
  • Tickets are essential for concert or theme park entry but can also be used along with branded poker chips as drink tokens or food vouchers.
  • Hand out printed programs to concertgoers containing set lists and show times with branded wristbands to mark their approved entry.

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