ACS Affiliate Services

Prosper With Partnerships:
How to Maintain Your Independence While Increasing Your Expertise

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Distributors are entrepreneurs.
Think about it: Entrepreneurship is about taking an idea and being solely responsible for the value that results, which is exactly what distributors like you do for every promo order you fulfill. However, that doesn't mean you need to do it alone. After all, it's impossible for one person to know everything about the promo industry, and no distributor entrepreneur should miss out on growth opportunities because of that.



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So how exactly can distributors increase their business acumen without losing their entrepreneurial spirit? The most important consideration is about who you partner with and what they stand for. Unlike operational considerations, for this type of partnership you'll want to seek out someone who can be a trusted advisor. It's so essential to have that advisor there at the ready to help you fill in knowledge gaps.



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For example, did you know that over 25% of B2B consumers see a brand as less favorable if they were marketed to incorrectly? That's a devastating number, and it can only be fixed if you know what constitutes "incorrect marketing." That answer will depend on a multitude of factors, such as your clients, their audience, the products you sold, the marketing messages you chose, etc. Thankfully, it would be the job of your trusted advisor to help navigate difficult and nuanced issues like this, with a targeted and methodical consultative approach you work through together.



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An advisor's job is to help you maintain your entrepreneurial independence while giving you the tools, resources and advice you need to advance your operation. However, this level of trusted advice is more difficult to find than you might assume. There are too many stories (in our industry in particular) that demonstrate how quick and easy it is to lose independence. In most cases, the advice and consultation of another party was critical for the operational advancement of the company, but it came at a significant cost. And no, we don't mean only dollars and cents we're also talking about the cost of the entrepreneurial spirit.



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Building trust within a partnership is not something that happens overnight. It takes time, effort and trust on behalf of both parties. ACS Affiliate Services, for example, is unique in the way their team seeks to learn about your business and the goals of your business above all else. Each ACS consultation is personalized for each partner because they understand no two businesses are exactly the same. Their overall objective? To increase your effectiveness and efficiency. This is a progressive process that takes careful and dedicated planning to execute ambitious goals. And ACS says: Why not be ambitious? The nature of business is competitive enough, and that competition is amplified even more within our industry specifically. Ambition is what allows movement beyond the status quo.



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The team at ACS Affiliate Services is ready and waiting to support your entrepreneurial spirit. Find out how you can maintain your independence and open the door to future opportunities. ACS looks forward to sharing their knowledge and resources with you, but most importantly of all, they look forward to a trusted partnership.


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