Idea Generator: Creative Ideas for Custom Products

Looking for fresh and original branding ideas to share with your clients? Stop limiting yourself to the same stock products we’ve all seen before. Instead, discover the world of opportunity available to you with these out-of-the-box promo ideas – the only limit is your imagination!

Take Advantage of Rising Trends

Trends come and go quickly. Oftentimes, by the time stock promos become available that speak to each trend, the moment has already passed and the demand is no longer there. Instead of missing out on the opportunity, let your clients know you can create custom promos for them as soon as new trends hit the scene. Not only will this result in products that resonate with today’s consumers, it will also position your clients as a trend-conscious company with their finger on the pulse of the ever-changing cultural landscape.

Custom Creations by Greater Pacific Industries, Inc.

Get Creative With Custom Shapes

One underrated way to make an impact on end-users is with promos made in custom shapes and styles. Even if the product itself is a familiar item recipients recognize, they’ll be delighted by the unique look and shape and how it differs from the standard expectation. Along with boasting high perceived value, this also helps your clients stand out from their competitors by illustrating their original approach to business.

Custom Creations by Greater Pacific Industries, Inc.

Excite by Experimenting With Size

Increase brand recognition and enhance brand recall by subverting consumer expectations with size. By sizing up or down mascots, characters or other iconic images, you’ll delight end-users and reinforce branding for your clients at the same time. From miniature replicas that recipients can hold in their hands to larger-than-life recreations that show detail like never before, size is a smart element to play with to achieve advertising success.

Custom Creations by Greater Pacific Industries, Inc.

Secure Recurring Orders With Collectibles

If your clients want their promos to be kept and cherished for years, recommend they create custom promos with a collectible nature. Think items that will be released in a series or given out to attendees during annual events – but once they’re gone, they’re gone. Their limited availability will incentivize consumers to not only keep each promo but seek out the next release as well to continue their collection and showcase their fandom proudly.

Custom Creations by Greater Pacific Industries, Inc.