Osborne Coinage

Sales Made Easy:

5 Sectors Looking to Purchase Custom Coinage

Selling promotional coins and medallions is simply common cents. Now that businesses are back in action, it's time to present branded coins to your clients who need them most. The best part? You likely already sell to these five lucrative industries.

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Custom Coins:
What Are They?

From Your Idea to A Finished Coin

Custom-minted coins and medallions are completely custom-made and imprinted with your client's artwork and marketing messages. This category is simple to sell, and it's a product you and your clients are likely already familiar with, even if you haven't sold coins as promos before. Promotional coins can be used for many types of projects too: souvenirs, awards, commemorative gifts, reminders, coupons – the only limit is your creativity.

Now that you know what custom coins are, let's dive into the market segments that need them most.

1. Corporate

C&E Financial promo coin example

Corporate offices of all sizes and sectors have a need for custom coinage to celebrate and recognize employees. Personalized coins and medallions can be handed out to staff members celebrating a work anniversary. This is an especially great promo choice for non-milestone anniversaries that may not warrant a large or expensive gift item. Or, present your clients coins made from premium metals for recognizing and rewarding top sales teams and all-star employees. Last but not least, coins make stellar souvenirs too! Medallions make great memorabilia and fit right in as party favors for company galas and end-of-year parties.

Osborne Coinage Case Study:

Doran Manufacturing

Doran award coins

Doran Manufacturing, a technology company based in Cincinnati, OH, reached out to Osborne Coinage with the project of launching a new recognition program for their entire staff. As the company's new president took over in mid-2020, he wanted to show his workforce he appreciates their efforts during such a challenging time and will continue to celebrate their hard work and dedication. After determining the tech company's goals, budgets and priorities, Osborne Coinage was able to create a series of collectible coins that symbolize hard work and gratitude – items the staff continues to be proud to earn and show off on their desks to this day.

2. Retail

Terra Toys promo coin front
Terra Toys promo coin back

After a long year of doors being shuttered and online shopping being retail stores' only stream of revenue, shopping locales are itching to welcome back business. Custom coins can accomplish this in a handful of different ways. For grand openings (or grand "re-openings") commemorative coins and medallions make superb keepsakes or souvenirs. Retail stores can attract foot traffic by raffling off gift baskets of their goods. Custom coins can be sold as tickets for a chance to win the big prize. Or, consider coins as coupons – nothing encourages shoppers to return quite like a future discount!

3. Food & Beverage

Swensons Drive-In discount promo coin
Swesons Drive-In discount promo coin

Bars and restaurants use custom-branded coins for a variety of needs. One popular usage is distributing coins and medallions to customers as coupons. Each coin or medallion could be redeemed at a future purchase for $5 off, for example, which encourages diners to return and give repeat business. Or, set your sights on the increased popularity of outdoor dining. Establishments hosting pop-up beer gardens, food festivals, quiz nights and more can all use custom coins as entry tokens. Remind clients of their post-pandemic appeal, too. Consumers are still concerned with safety and sanitation, and branded coins are effortless to wipe down, disinfect and reuse.

Osborne Coinage Case Study:

Trapper's Restaurant

When a new owner purchased Trapper's Restaurant, a 4-star establishment in Denver, CO, he was shocked to find out what a little-known secret the restaurant was. In an effort to raise brand awareness, the owner reached out to Osborne Coinage to create branded coins that would drum up excitement and bring in diners. To do that, Osborne Coinage created heavyweight, high-quality coins, each decorated with Trapper's tagline, website, phone number and a coupon for $20 off a future meal. Osborne Coinage also opted for a gold as the metal of choice, to convey the upscale image of the $40-a-plate restaurant. And as for Trapper's Restaurant? They've confirmed they've made back their full investment and then some and are happy to see repeat customers continue to visit their establishment to this day.

4. Entertainment

Cavendish Beach Music Festival promo coin
Cavendish Beach Music Festival promo coin

Expect the entertainment industry to return with a bang. The summer festival season is already gearing up for its grand return, with upcoming concerts, comedy shows, press tours, speaking engagements and more all following right behind. Music and entertainment fans love showing off the cool shows they attended, so the longevity of custom coins speaks perfectly to this audience. Coins can be given to VIP ticket holders as a souvenir to acknowledge their superstar status. Or, consider using them as drink tickets, as handling cash and change is not only time-consuming, it's unsanitary. Custom-minted coins allow for faster, cleaner transactions that let patrons get back to enjoying the performance right away.

5. Safety Programs

Central Region Leadership Team Coin
Veolia Environmental Services coin

You can count on Osborne Coinage to deliver on your safety program order – it's one of their most common project requests! Safety training is not only important to avoid accidents and injury, it also saves your clients money in the long run. After all, think of all the time and money businesses spend each year correcting errors and hiring new staff. To avoid this, suggest your clients give staff commemorative coins to acknowledge complete trainings, celebrate milestones without accidents or encourage employees to keep up the good work.

Pro tip: Recommend clients assign a point value to coins (ex: 1 coin = 1 point). Workers can "earn" coins by following correct safety procedures, until they have enough to redeem for prizes your client provides.

Osborne Coinage Case Study:

Caravan Facilities Management

Caravan Facilities Management, a facility management company based in Saginaw, MI, employs staff working in over 70 sites, each responsible for a wide variety of different tasks. The company needed a way to unite their diverse workforce on the importance of proper safety practices, despite covering a breadth of skill sets and physical locations. That was no problem for Osborne Coinage, who set them up with recognition coins to hand out to staff upon completion of their safety training, along with the suggestion to carry it with them at all times. The result? When recipients see the coin with their pocket change, or when they feel it while reaching for their keys, they're reminded of why it's so important to take ownership of their safety. That constant tactile encouragement keeps employees on-task and careful, no matter where they are or what they're doing.

Osborne Coinage:
The Experts You Can Trust

Made in Cincinnati, OH Since 1835

Ready to sell custom coins to your clients? Osborne Coinage is the supplier you'll want to work with. Not only are they the oldest private mint in the country (est. 1835), they also have an impressive resume, once fulfilling campaign orders for Abraham Lincoln himself! Flash forward to present day, this third-generation family-owned business is proud to be an ASI 5-star supplier, still bringing that same level of care and expertise to your clients' orders.