Same Day Tees

Apparel Decoration Locations Explained

See for yourself how easy it is to master apparel decoration using this simple location guide. With the main decoration methods included, the next time your clients ask where they can imprint apparel, you'll have all the answers you need to secure the sale.


Screen Printing

Same Day Tees Recommends: Full-Color Simulated Process Screen Print

Manilow Tee
Wyman Bodwork tee
Kart design printed with the 10-color simulated process

For vibrant imprints that are economical for all clients, opt for screen printing. This method can be used to decorate the most common apparel locations, and its cost-effective price point means any company can afford it. Be sure to mention additional benefits, such as its effectiveness for high-quantity orders, ability to print on many fabric types and the option to add specialty inks.

Decoration Locations:

T-shirt front infograph no. 1, 3, 4
Tshirt back infograph no. 2, 3, 5
Pocket tshirt front infograph no. 3, 6
Zip up hoodie front infograph no.7


1. Full front

2. Full back

3. Shirt sleeves

4. Left chest

5. Shirt back yoke

6. Shirt pockets (on or above)

7. Hoodie zippers (on or over)

Decoration Locations:

Sweatpants front infograph no. 1, 2


1. Pant legs

2. Pant pockets (on or above)

Decoration Locations:

Tote bag infograph no. 1
Apparel tag infograph no. 2


1. Tote bags

2. Apparel tags

3. And more


Same Day Tees Recommends: Kornit DTG HD Hexa

All-in Moment Tee
Godspell Tee
Frida Kahlo direct-to-garmet printed sweatshirt
Unicorn design direct-to-garmet printed apparel bag
Be Your Self lightning bolt design direct-to-garment printed shirt

Direct-to-garment (DTG) is the ideal full-color method for small to medium-sized orders and is actually the cheapest method for orders under 150 pieces. Capable of reproducing designs with many colors and shading as well as 600 DPI photorealistic graphics, your clients will be pleased with the high-quality imprints DTG offers. Remember: While traditional DTG printing is limited to cotton, Same Day Tee's Kornit DTG HD Hexa equipment opens the printing possibilities to include poly blends, tri-blends, silk, leather, denim, linen, wool and more.

Decoration Locations:

T-shirt Front infograph no. 1, 3, 4
Tshirt back infograph no. 2, 3, 5
Pocket tshirt front infograph no. 3, 6
Denim jacket infograph no. 7
Hoodie with pocket infograph no. 8
Hoodie with Zipper Infograph no. 9


1. Full front

2. Full back

3. Shirt sleeves  Kornit Only 

4. Left chest

5. Shirt back yoke  Kornit Only 

6. Shirt pockets (on or above)  Kornit Only 

7. Denim jacket sleeves  Kornit Only 

8. Hoodie pockets (on or above)  Kornit Only 

9. Hoodie zippers (on or over)  Kornit Only 

Decoration Locations:

sweatshirts infograph 1, 2


1. Pant legs  Kornit Only 

2. Pant pockets (on or above)  Kornit Only 

Decoration Locations:

Tote bag infograph
Miscellaneous objects infograph no. 2


1. Tote bags  Kornit Only 

2. Apparel tags  Kornit Only 

3. And more

NEW Cutting-Edge Technique

Exclusive to Same Day Tees: M&R Digital Squeegee

Balenciaga tee
Tiki Bar tee
Digital Squeegee Hybrid, globe on hands design
NBA design shirt
African american girl tshirt design

When clients want the best, offer the best full-color decoration around – the Digital Squeegee method from Same Day Tees. Exclusive to this supplier, you won't be able to get this impressive decoration method anywhere else. With superior quality, robust color availability and the ability to print on almost any fabric with no pretreatment (we're talking cotton, cotton/poly blends, tri-blends, polyester, performance wear and more), this method is one you need to know when impressing customers is a must.

Decoration Locations:

T-shirt Front infograph no. 1, 3
Tshirt back infograph no. 2, 4
Hoodie infograph no. 5


1. Full front

2. Full back

3. Left chest

4. Shirt back yoke

5. Hoodies

Decoration Locations:

Tote bag infograph no. 1


1. Tote bags  Kornit Only 

2. Apparel tags  Kornit Only 

3. And more

T-shirt Front infograph no. 1, 3
Tshirt back infograph no. 2, 4
Hoodie infograph no. 5

Decoration Locations:


1. Full front

2. Full back

3. Left chest

4. Shirt back yoke

5. Hoodies

Tote bag infograph no. 1

Decoration Locations:


1. Tote bags  Kornit Only 

2. Apparel tags  Kornit Only 

3. And more

squeegee with ink icon

Exclusive Access to M&R Digital Squeegee

squeegee with ink icon

Same Day Tees is the premier supplier licensed to carry the M&R Digital Squeegee, and is the first and only supplier to carry 2 of the Digital Squeegees in 2021. Take advantage and emphasize this point in your sales presentation so clients know they're getting something truly unique, making your services stand out.

Same Day Tees Decoration Sizes

Refer to this handy chart to give your clients the biggest and boldest graphics possible with imprints in the maximum sizes available.

Print chart guide

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